Analysis of processes in the work of people with deficiency: study of case in an institution of higher education

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Leila Vaz da Silva
Daniela Assis Alves Ferreira


This paper aims to analyze the processes of integration of employees with disabilities of a higher education institution, in order to evaluate the well-being of these employees and the return potential they offer. It is notorious that this fact raises concerns and doubts about the methodology used in the inclusion of these professionals in the market and, in this case, more specific in the universities, thus identifying the training through a research where it was applied to the managers and people with disabilities forms that brought information crucial to the completion of the work and the preparation of the contractors to perform their assigned function, company structure and accessibility in buildings.


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How to Cite
da Silva, L. V., & Alves Ferreira, D. A. (2020). Analysis of processes in the work of people with deficiency: study of case in an institution of higher education. E3 — Revista De Economia, Empresas E Empreendedores Na CPLP, 5(1), 3–35.