Study on service quality as a business growth factor in the Kero nova vida hypermarket

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Franklim Bivingo
Pedro Braz Paca
Anilda Albina Avelino César


The present study conducts an approach on service quality as a factor of business growth in Kero Nova Vida Hypermarket, of the municipality of Belas, province of Luanda, aiming to describe the impact of customer service quality on business growth. The research methodology used in this study was the descriptive case study methodology, of quantitative approach, the technique used in data collection was the questionnaire with closed questions. The study sample is non-probabilistic and convenience. The results achieved indicate that, quality in customer service generates a positive impact on business growth, the deficit in quality in customer service conditions the process of business growth in this Hypermarket, quality in customer service is a factor that influences the purchase of products, and the implementation of training and training builds positively on quality in customer service. The level of customer satisfaction about the service is good, the quality in the service meets their expectations, there is a good relationship between customers and employees of this same institution.


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How to Cite
Bivingo, F., Braz Paca, P. ., & Avelino César, A. A. . (2022). Study on service quality as a business growth factor in the Kero nova vida hypermarket. E3 — Revista De Economia, Empresas E Empreendedores Na CPLP, 8(2), 149–168.
Author Biographies

Franklim Bivingo, Cuito Cuanavale University

Franklim Lukibo Bivingo, born on August 31, 1992, born in Cabinda Province of Cabinda, son of Joa Ibrahim Lukibo and Alfonsina Ndele Nhito, Graduated in Tourism Management, by the Cuito Cuanavale University. Angola. Cuando Cubango. Menongue. Master's student in Marketing, Communication and Advertising at Gregorio Semedo University. Angola. Luanda. I work as a trainee assistant at the Cuito Cuanavale University in the Tourism Management course. I have participated in international events and participation as a lecturer in scientific events organized by the Cuanado Cubango School of Hospitality and Tourism. I worked as President of the Student Association at Cuito Cuanavale University. 

Pedro Braz Paca, Universidade Cuito Cuanavale

Professor Doutor em Economia e Gestão, Vice-coordenadar para Área Cientificado Instituto Politécnico daUniversidade Cuito Cuanavale.

Anilda Albina Avelino César, Instituto Politécnico da Universidade Cuito Cuanavale, Menongue-Angola

Instituto Politécnico da Universidade Cuito Cuanavale no Departamento de Gestão Turística. Cuando Cubango. Menongue - Mestranda em Gestão de Logistica e Transporte na Universidade Gregório Semedo. Luanda – Angola. 


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