Portuguese Higher Education in Context – Proposal for future changes
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The Portuguese higher education system is binary, divided into two subsystems, the university and the polytechnic, being governed, since 2007, by the so-called RJIES (Legal Regime of Higher Education Institutions), which regulates the essential organic structure of these institutions as well as the competence of mandatory bodies, such as the general council (GC). The powers of the GC are, in particular electing the rector/president, approving changes to the statutes or appraising the acts of the rector/president, among many others, some of them on his proposal.
This communication presents a proposal for future changes of the RJIES regarding the composition and process of election and appointment of external members of the GC, which results from the analysis of a survey and interviews. The survey, answered online (using Limesurvey) by rectors and presidents, vice-rectors and vice-presidents, pro-rectors and pro-presidents of public higher education institutions (HEIs) and stakeholders (teaching and non-teaching workers and students, through their representative structures, unions and student unions, and other leaders of professional and business associations), The interviews were carried out in 2021 and remain completely current given the fact that no changes occur so far.
A brief review of recent literature related to this topic is included. Finally, a proposal for legislative change is presented regarding the powers of the GC and a new name is proposed – general and supervisory council.
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