Knowledge Ecosystems: Disruptive Models for Academic Management Modelos Disruptivos para a Gestão Acadêmica

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Marcelo Teixeira
Cristiane Teixeira


The present study reports the experience of applying knowledge management techniques and tools, improving the effectiveness of processes and sharing information in an organizational context specific to the academic area. To achieve this, the three phases of the knowledge management cycle were adopted: capturing, sharing and applying knowledge. The research followed a qualitative and descriptive methodological approach, resulting in the creation of an effective knowledge management solution for the advanced campuses of a Brazilian federal university. This solution has the potential to contribute to the effectiveness and dynamics of teamwork. The results highlight the contribution of research to providing more efficient management of academic activities in these fields, especially with regard to the standardization of reports through an information system.


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How to Cite
Teixeira, M., & Teixeira, C. (2024). Knowledge Ecosystems: Disruptive Models for Academic Management: Modelos Disruptivos para a Gestão Acadêmica. E3 — Revista De Economia, Empresas E Empreendedores Na CPLP, 10(2), 61–72.
Author Biographies





Cristiane Domingos de Aquino Teixeira holds a degree in Systems Analysis and Development from Centro Universitário UNISÃOMIGUEL (2021) and a degree in Technology in Marketing Management from the Faculdade de Ciências Cultura e Extensão do Rio Grande do Norte (2007). She is a Marketing Analyst (specializing in Web marketing), certified in 2006, and holds a specialization and a Master's degree in Applied Informatics from the Graduate Program in Applied Informatics at the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (PPGIA), with a scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Software Engineering in the Graduate Program in Computer Engineering at the Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE).


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