e3 — Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP
<p><em>Under the motto of Fernando Pessoa: "My homeland is the Portuguese language", e3 was firstly founded as a publication dedicated to the dissemination of science in Portuguese, acting in the lusophone space and the community of Portuguese-speaking countries. It now opens to news worlds and new paths, reinforcing its long-term mission to harvest and disseminate knowledge and bring researchers and scientific communities closer together. </em></p> <p>Published twice a year, it <strong>offers</strong> <strong>open, immediate and free access</strong> to its content, following the principle that scientific knowledge is freely available based on scientific, social responsibility and knowledge transfer to society.</p>Ponteditoraen-USe3 — Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP2183-380XEditorial
<p>Editorial</p>Áurea SousaLuís SardinhaMaria José GonçalvesAntónio SilvaJoão Vidal CarvalhoManuel Silva
Copyright (c) 2024 e3 — Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP
2024-12-302024-12-30102010810.29073/e3.v10i2.971EasyAsk - A Web Platform to Support Students
<p>The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a sudden transformation in higher education, requiring institutions to rapidly adapt to distance learning to ensure the continuity of education. In this context, the need for innovative tools that provide more effective and collaborative pedagogical support emerged. This article presents EasyAsk, a digital platform developed to complement both traditional and remote learning, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionalities to personalize the learning experience. EasyAsk promotes continuous interaction between students and professors, as well as among peers, facilitating the resolution of questions and the sharing of knowledge. The platform was validated through a case study conducted at the School of Technology and Management of Lamego (ESTGL) during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years.</p> <p>The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a sudden transformation in higher education, requiring institutions to rapidly adapt to distance learning to ensure the continuity of education. In this context, the need for innovative tools that provide more effective and collaborative pedagogical support emerged. This article presents EasyAsk, a digital platform developed to complement both traditional and remote learning, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionalities to personalize the learning experience. EasyAsk promotes continuous interaction between students and professors, as well as among peers, facilitating the resolution of questions and the sharing of knowledge. The platform was validated through a case study conducted at the School of Technology and Management of Lamego (ESTGL) during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years.</p>Daniel AzevedoPedro LopesDamiana Guedes
Copyright (c) 2024 e3 — Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP
2024-12-302024-12-30102092210.29073/e3.v10i2.944Portuguese Higher Education in Context – Proposal for future changes
<p>The Portuguese higher education system is binary, divided into two subsystems, the university and the polytechnic, being governed, since 2007, by the so-called RJIES (Legal Regime of Higher Education Institutions), which regulates the essential organic structure of these institutions as well as the competence of mandatory bodies, such as the general council (GC). The powers of the GC are, in particular electing the rector/president, approving changes to the statutes or appraising the acts of the rector/president, among many others, some of them on his proposal.</p> <p>This communication presents a proposal for future changes of the RJIES regarding the composition and process of election and appointment of external members of the GC, which results from the analysis of a survey and interviews. The survey, answered online (using <em>Limesurvey</em>) by rectors and presidents, vice-rectors and vice-presidents, pro-rectors and pro-presidents of public higher education institutions (HEIs) and <em>stakeholders </em>(teaching and non-teaching workers and students, through their representative structures, unions and student unions, and other leaders of professional and business associations), The interviews were carried out in 2021 and remain completely current given the fact that no changes occur so far.</p> <p>A brief review of recent literature related to this topic is included. Finally, a proposal for legislative change is presented regarding the powers of the GC and a new name is proposed – general and supervisory council.</p>Olimpio CastilhoMaria de Lourdes Fidalgo Machado-Taylor
Copyright (c) 2024 e3 — Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP
2024-12-302024-12-30102233810.29073/e3.v10i2.941The importance of implementing strategic management in third sector organizations
<p>This article intends to highlight the importance of the use of strategic management tools in Private Social Solidarity Institutions (PSSI) aiming at their sustainability. Additionally, it also intends to analyze the profile of the top managers of these institutions in order to demonstrate the importance of specific management training. Firstly, the theoretical framework was carried out where the ideas of different authors regarding the social economy, strategic management and its tools were discussed. Next, the quantitative method was used with the sending of a questionnaire to several IPSS where it was emphasized that it should be filled out by top managers. The results obtained allowed for the validation of the initial questions, namely several failures in the implementation of strategic management tools in the non-profit organizations (NPO), which had repercussions in their sustainability and in the way they are organized. Thus, it is essential that these organizations invest in capacity building in the area of strategic management always keeping in mind their mission.</p>Susana FonsecaCarla VazFilipe DuarteAna CarvalhoAna Guia
Copyright (c) 2024 e3 — Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP
2024-12-302024-12-30102396010.29073/e3.v10i2.939Knowledge Ecosystems: Disruptive Models for Academic Management
<p>The present study reports the experience of applying knowledge management techniques and tools, improving the effectiveness of processes and sharing information in an organizational context specific to the academic area. To achieve this, the three phases of the knowledge management cycle were adopted: capturing, sharing and applying knowledge. The research followed a qualitative and descriptive methodological approach, resulting in the creation of an effective knowledge management solution for the advanced campuses of a Brazilian federal university. This solution has the potential to contribute to the effectiveness and dynamics of teamwork. The results highlight the contribution of research to providing more efficient management of academic activities in these fields, especially with regard to the standardization of reports through an information system.</p>Marcelo TeixeiraCristiane Teixeira
Copyright (c) 2024 e3 — Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP
2024-12-302024-12-30102617210.29073/e3.v10i2.945Preocupações dos Jovens Adultos com a Privacidade Online nas Redes Sociais
<p>Este artigo investiga as preocupações dos jovens adultos com a privacidade online no contexto das redes sociais. Com o crescimento da recolha de dados e as ameaças à segurança da informação, a privacidade online tornou-se uma questão crucial. Este estudo, baseado num inquérito quantitativo a jovens adultos com idades entre os 18 e os 40 anos, utiliza um questionário como método de pesquisa. A análise foca-se na perceção da privacidade e no controlo que os jovens adultos têm sobre as informações pessoais. Os resultados indicam que a maioria dos jovens adultos tem preocupações significativas com a privacidade online. No entanto, o seu comportamento é contraditório. A sensação de invasão de privacidade, com dados pessoais utilizados sem consentimento, diminui a confiança nas plataformas digitais. Desta forma, este estudo sublinha a necessidade de as plataformas de redes sociais e os legisladores reforçarem as práticas de proteção de dados para garantir a confiança dos utilizadores no ambiente digital. Adicionalmente, este artigo destaca a lacuna entre as preocupações com a privacidade e o comportamento online real, enfatizando a complexidade das questões de privacidade na era digital.</p>Ana SantosMaria João CastroMilena CarvalhoSusana Martins
Copyright (c) 2024 e3 — Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP