Under the motto of Fernando Pessoa: "My homeland is the Portuguese language", e3 was firstly founded as a publication dedicated to the dissemination of science in Portuguese, acting in the lusophone space and the community of Portuguese-speaking countries. It now opens to news worlds and new paths, reinforcing its long-term mission to harvest and disseminate knowledge and bring researchers and scientific communities closer together.

Published twice a year, it offers open, immediate and free access to its content, following the principle that scientific knowledge is freely available based on scientific, social responsibility and knowledge transfer to society.

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): V.10 N.2 (E3 - Revista de Economia, Empresas e Empreendedores na CPLP)

Published: 2024-12-30


Áurea Sousa, Luís Sardinha, Maria José Gonçalves, António Silva, João Vidal Carvalho, Manuel Silva


EasyAsk - A Web Platform to Support Students

Daniel Azevedo, Pedro Lopes, Damiana Guedes


Portuguese Higher Education in Context – Proposal for future changes

Olímpio Castilho, Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor


Preocupações dos Jovens Adultos com a Privacidade Online nas Redes Sociais

Ana Santos, Maria João Castro, Milena Carvalho, Susana Martins


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