Implementation of an asset management plan according to ISO 55001 at the Colmito Power Generation Plant
The proposed article describes the general process of implementing an Asset Management Plan following the NCh-ISO 55001 standard for the Colmito Power Generation Plant in Chile. Its aim is to improve service quality by reducing downtime due to faults, optimizing operations, and extending the lifespan of assets. This implementation aligns with current legislation and meets the defined objectives and goals in asset management, in compliance with Supreme Decree 109 of 2017 from the Ministry of Energy. This decree regulates the safety of electrical installations for production, transportation, provision of complementary services, energy storage systems, and distribution of electrical energy, specifically referring to the Normative Technical Specification RPTD N°17, which establishes the requirements of the SGIIE (Integrity Management System for Electrical Installations) in Chile.
In the first part, the operational context of the Colmito Power Generation Plant and the regulatory framework of the electrical market are developed with the aim of providing an understanding of the organization and how it interacts with the various entities involved in the market. Additionally, details are presented about the diagnostic tool used to assess the requirements stipulated by the Asset Management standard NCh-ISO 55001 (a reference tool developed by the IAM: Institute of Asset Management). The article also includes the results of the maturity level assessment of the Colmito Power Generation Plant concerning the requirements of the NCh-ISO 55001 standard.
Finally, the article describes the guidelines for the development and implementation of the Asset Management System for the Colmito Power Generation Plant. It outlines the planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, and improvement processes proposed to consolidate the Asset Management Strategic Plan (PGEA). The goal is to comply with items 4 to 10 of the NCh-ISO 55001 standard in order to minimize operational risks and maximize the profitability of the assets of the Colmito Power Generation Plant throughout their entire lifecycle.

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.
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