Last Chance Tourism: main applications and consequences for destinations
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In this article, a literature review on the topic Last Chance Tourism (LCT) intends to understand this phenomenon’s main applications and consequences for destinations. As a research approach, a descriptive and explanatory study was chosen. The term LCT was first mentioned in the media in 2008 and in 2010 in the academic literature. However, the phenomenon was previously referred to with other terms: “disaster tourism”, “climate tourism”, “extinction tourism”, “see it before it ends”. The main results obtained are evidence of the consequences associated with ice destinations, focusing on the glaciers problem on the verge of disappearing due to environmental changes; tourism of endangered animals, including hunting, disappearing waterfalls, Great Barrier Reef erosion, places with great wear and tear associated with the number of visitors, and even places and objects perceived as a symbol of something that is slowly disappearing from society generally. Despite the different destinations, the consequences identified converge at the environmental level, with a focus on climate change, pressure on ecosystems, environmental degradation, excess load on destinations and the creation of “ambassadors” for the environmental cause. In addition to the environmental impact, consequences were identified at the cultural, sociopolitical, economic and physical risk levels for tourists. It was possible to identify some gaps in the literature, such as the absence of a clear criterion to objectively determine the definition of LCT destination; the temporality of the “vulnerable destination” status; as well as whether vulnerable destinations should really be promoted for tourism.
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