Peer Review Process

The purpose of the assessment is to help authors improve the quality of their work by providing constructive and timely assessments prepared by experienced academics. e3 considers the evaluation process as a fundamental step for the improvement of the manuscripts. For this reason, the reviewers of e3 are encouraged to present, in addition to the opinion on publication, suggestions for improvement regarding the content and form of the text.

The evaluation process of manuscripts submitted to e3 consists of two stages. The first is a preliminary evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief and the Assistants Editors, examining the adequacy of the work for the journal’s editorial line and makes the preliminary evaluation (Desk Review). The second is the review itself, which encompasses three distinct peer review systems:

  • Single-blind peer review: anonymous reviewer/disclosed author.
  • Double-blind peer review: anonymous reviewer/anonymous author.
  • Open peer review: disclosed reviewer/disclosed author.

Authors designate the preferred review model during or following manuscript submission. In the absence of a specified preference, the default protocol is a double-blind peer review process.

The review process for manuscripts submitted to e3 includes the following steps:

  1. Authors submit texts to the e3 platform, immediately receiving a proof of receipt.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief conducts a screening to verify if the manuscripts fall within e3’s scope and have sufficient quality.
    1. If favorable, two scientific reviewers are assigned. The review is primarily a double-blind peer review, enhancing transparency in Open Science; alternatively, a single-blind or open peer review may be conducted if the author has specified their choice during or upon manuscript submission. Manuscripts are also assessed for compliance with formal requirements.
    2. If this condition is not met, manuscripts are returned for modification.
  3. Reviewers have 5 (five) business days to accept or decline the review.
  4. If they agree to conduct the review, they commit to completing it within one month, filling out the respective review form.
  5. The article is accepted if peer review indicates acceptance or acceptance with restrictions. The editorial team may intervene and make the acceptance decision in cases of a tie after consulting a third reviewer. If both initial reviewers reject the article, editors will confirm the rejection decision. If both initial reviewers accept the article, editors will confirm the acceptance decision.