Comparative analysis of the tax regime of the Free Zones in Europe

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José Campor Amorim
Albertina Paula Monteiro
Catarina Libório Morais Cepêda
Gonçalo Rocha Teixeira Faria Coelho


The fight against tax fraud and tax evasion has been discussed extensively in the literature. Free Trade Zones are subject to different tax rules than their host countries. The governments of these Free Trade Zones have maximized tax benefits to increase their economic and social level, using the facility of tax, financial, and commercial planning. In this context, this study aims to analyze and compare the tax regimes of Free Trade Zones in Europe. Anchored in institutional theory, this research follows a qualitative approach, using the documentary analysis technique. Results indicate that the lowest tax-Free Trade Zones in Europe are located in Poland, Latvia and Spain, and the most attractive tax regimes, with corporate tax exemption are in Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and Germany. The Free Zones with thehighest number ofemployees per company are in Croatia, Lithuania, and Poland. This study is relevant for governmentsand businessesto define tax policies and strategies, as it identifiesthe Free Trade Zones with the most favorable tax regimes, which may have political, organizational, economic, and social implications.


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How to Cite
Campor Amorim, J., Monteiro, A. . P., Libório Morais Cepêda, C., & Rocha Teixeira Faria Coelho, G. (2021). Comparative analysis of the tax regime of the Free Zones in Europe. E3 — Revista De Economia, Empresas E Empreendedores Na CPLP, 7(2), 031–055.
Author Biography

Albertina Paula Monteiro, Polytechnic of Porto, Porto Accounting and Business School




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