Institutional e-Learning maturity: A case study from ISCAP
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This paper has the main objective to know what the level of institutional e-Learning maturity is, of Porto Accounting and Business School (ISCAP) and to propose actions to improve on that positioning. Higher Education has been challenged over the years with the evolution of education and the appearing of different teaching methods from the traditional, which become necessary to follow the change and therefore to resort to virtual teaching practices environments. In this way, the case study developed and described in this paper intends to know the factors that influence ISCAP maturity level, to know how e-Learning is projected in its internal strategy and which recommendations could have a positive impact on the institutional increment. learning maturity. Based on the literature review and on the existing models that analyze institutional maturity, it will be analyzed what is convergent and divergent in the several authors, in order to produce a result applicable to the ISCAP context. As an ongoing case study, the questionnaire has been used to obtain data until this moment. This paper presents the early results of this project.
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