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Cristiana Ramos
Milena Carvalho
Susana Martins
João Vidal Carvalho
Maria Inês Braga
Maria Ivone Cardoso
Ana Branca Carvalho
Eleanora Santos


The connection between higher education and the job market is something of great importance and increasingly recognized by academia and the world of work. It is crucial to have a more regular dialogue between both in order to achieve alignment of actions and benefits for both parties.

In this research, we aim to demonstrate how a Portuguese bachelor’s degree in information science assigns a prominent role to students as drivers of their own learning, while teachers become knowledge mediators. As part of their curriculum, students in their final year are required to undertake an internship in an institution for a period of 192 hours. The orientation process involves an advisor from the institution (and a co-advisor if necessary), as well as a mentor from the hosting institution, who together establish an action plan that involves the application of knowledge and skills acquired during the academic part of the degree.

In addition to the introduction, this research includes a literature review that provides a general overview of the problem being addressed, based on published literature in the field of study. The topics covered include Information Science, Information Management, Knowledge Management, the Relationship between Information Management and Knowledge Management, Databases, Database Management Systems, and Data Modeling. The methodology chapter provides a detailed description of all activities carried out during the internship, while the results chapter presents the produced artifacts. The research concludes with a corresponding conclusion.


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How to Cite
Ramos, C. ., Carvalho, M., Martins, S., Carvalho, J. V., Braga, M. I. ., Cardoso, M. I., Carvalho, A. B. ., & Santos, E. . (2023). COLLECTION AND ORGANIZATION OF INFORMATION WITHIN THE SCOPE OF A CURRICULAR INTERNSHIP. E3 — Revista De Economia, Empresas E Empreendedores Na CPLP, 9(1), 83–97.
Author Biographies

Cristiana Ramos, Bachelor Degree student in Information and Documentation Sciences and Technologies, ISCAP

Its a Bachelor Degree diplomate in Information and Documentation Sciences and Technologies, ISCAP

Milena Carvalho, CEOS-ISCAP, São Mamede Infesta, Portugal


Susana Martins, CEOS, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, Instituto Politécnico do Porto

PhD in Education - specialization in Education and Libraries from Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique since 2015 and Adjunct Professor at ISCAP-IPP in the area of ​​Information Science. Researcher at CEOS.PP. He presented several communications at international congresses, published the articles in the respective proceedings, and also published articles in several scientific journals. She is a scientific reviewer for several conferences in the area of ​​Information Science and Education. His main areas of interest are: Information Literacy; Informational behavior; Bibliometrics; Scientific documentation and information; Organization and management of information; Information representation; Information Policies; Information management; Informational Heritage; semantic web and use of information technologies in information services

João Vidal Carvalho, CEOS, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, Instituto Politécnico do Porto

Adjunct Professor at ISCAP / Polytechnic of Porto. Post-Doctorate in Information Technologies and Systems from the University of Coimbra. PhD in Information Systems and Technology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Master in Information Technology Management from the University of Minho and Degree in Computer Science/Applied Mathematics from the University Portucalense. Vice-Director of the research center Centro de Estudos Organizacionais e Sociais do Politécnico do Porto (CEOS.PP). Effective member of the Commission for Recognition / Certification of Competences of ISCAP / Polytechnic of Porto. President of the International Conference on Tourism, Technologies and Systems (ICOTTS) and of the International Conference on Information Technologies and Education (ICITED). Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management. He has published books in computer science and database management and is the author of twelve publications in scientific journals with JCR impact factor.

Maria Inês Braga, CEOS, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, Instituto Politécnico do Porto

Inês Braga has a PhD in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms from the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto. Her PhD thesis in the area of Information Science is about Information Literacy in higher education. She is an integrated member of CITCEM - Center for Transdisciplinary Research on Culture, Space and Memory. She is an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, having taught in the areas of Languages, Communication and Information Science.
Her areas of interest are: Information Literacy, transversal skills, information ethics, communication, higher education, pedagogy and New Information and Communication Technologies.
She has participated in several national and international conferences and has published on several of the above-mentioned topics.

Maria Ivone Cardoso, CEOS, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, Instituto Politécnico do Porto

PhD in Teaching of Foreign Languages since 2001, at the University of Aveiro. She finished the Master in Education Science in 1989, at the University of Aveiro. Bachelor in Languages and Modern Literature (option French and English), 1984, at the University of Porto. She teaches at the Porto Accounting and Business School, since 1991. Collaborator at CEOS.PP. Responsible for the organization of events, such as the III International Congress from AELFE at ISCAP and the XII Congress of AELFE at ESEIG. She is reviewer of several scientific publications. Her research interests are the Command of the Foreign Language, Cognitive Linguistics and Terminology, in the Languages for Specific Purposes. Member of ISCAP's Accreditation Commission and member of the Scientific Committee for: IBÉRICA; ICOTTS; POLISSEMA; SOCIAL MEDIA. Collaborator at CEI and invited teacher at ESEIG from 2005-2011. Founder of CIGLA - Investigation Cell of the Applied languages Group. Author of several books on LSP and FL.

Ana Branca Carvalho, Centro Digital de Serviços do Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

PhD in Organizational Behavior, in the area of ​​Social Sciences - specialty in Organizational Behavior, 2013 by the University of Lisbon / Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences; Master in Management from ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, in 2000; Degree in Law in 1993 from Universidade Moderna. DEA and Sufficiency. MBA - at ISCTE in 1999 in the area of ​​Organization and Human Resources; University Course / Graduate 2022 in Neuro Linguistic Programming. Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, / Lamego School of Technology and Management

Eleanora Santos, Centro de Investigação Aplicada em Gestão e Economia (CARME) do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria

PhD in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, she has been an Assistant Researcher at the Center of Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME) of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria since 2020


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S2i—Inclusive Solutions: Where smalholder farmers meet Big Data.

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